About YB&C

Our mission is to help Community Based Health organizations develop their data analytic capability and reduce the digital divide between them and other healthcare players, such as payers, TPAs, and government agencies.

Who We Are

Yann Beaullan-Thong

For the past 20 years Yann has worked as a healthcare IT executive and serial entrepreneur across a broad spectrum of healthcare; including several Business Intelligence technology companies, a large managed care company, and various providers. Yann has developed strategies and business models to create new revenue streams in all those settings. In that time, he has gained a unique perspective of the healthcare system and a unique approach to business development. Yann creates technology-based strategic partnerships across many spaces. Highlights:
  • 20+ years of experience in Healthcare: Consumers, Providers, and Payers. Yann was among the few who identified a new emerging trend: Manufacturer/Payer Partnership.
  • Aetna Behavioral Health team was looking to lower their claim experience as it relates to bipolar patients. It needed more “real world data” to prescreen these patients better. Yann was in charge of finding the funding and managing the project. He built a common value proposition between the Pfizer Zoloft team and Aetna, resulting in a contract data agreement.
  • Part of an Aetna team assigned to lower MRI and CAT claims: Yann lead an effort looking at claims data and found a correlation between orthopedic surgeons having an MRI clinic and surgeons without clinics. End result, they modified their contract and saved around $20 million.
  • 15+ years of experience working with longitudinal Real-World Data to develop new products. Yann founded Vindicet after noticing this new trend: a shift towards evidence-based clinical Pathways. As the founder of Vindicet, created 3 applications and worked daily with MedPar data, Self-reporting data from providers, HCRIS  NHSN, Truven, EMR data, and MDDS (medical devices data system)
Contact Yann at [email protected]

Chris Shafer

Chris has worked in the field of User and Customer Experience (UX/CX) for over 20 years and was a founding member of the User Experience practice at ModemMedia, (a digital marketing pioneer with the dubious distinction of launching the first “ad banner”) Chris has helped launch UX/CX practices at a number of interactive agencies and technology startups, and has done UX and product management at Aetna and Travelers insurance. Chris is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design.

Contact Chris at [email protected]