Business Intelligence Concierge

Personalized "hands-on" business intelligence solution for healthcare executives and decision makers

Business Intelligence and FP&A should be essential parts of your decision-making process, but for many Community Based Healthcare organizations and FQHCs this kind of reporting is hard to do and harder to use.

We combine dedicated analytics teams with a robust data platform so you canĀ get your own Business Intelligence and Financial Analytics reporting done when and how you want.

Like a true concierge your analytics team works closely with you to understand your specific business needs, perform in-depth analysis, and deliver actionable reports.

How it works

We provide you with a one-stop shopping solution that includes:

A dedicated analytics team with:
  • One or more Business Analysts with backgrounds in Finance and Accounting
  • Data Scientist and Data Engineer
  • Visual designer
A robust analytics forecasting platform that:
  • Integrates financial and operational data through a library of data connectors
  • Provides rich visualizations and interactive reports
  • Supports predictive analytics, AI and more
A streamlined implementation process that requires minimal involvement from your IT staff
A convenient monthly subscription model with no additional software licensing costs

Full Featured Data Analytics Platform

Our full featured data analytics platform can take data from a variety of sources and produce rich, insight-driven dashboards and reports you can use yourself or share with your direct reports.

Use your BI Data Analytics Team for...

Patient Care and Outcomes

  • What trends do we see in our patient demographics and how are they impacting service demand?
  • Which chronic conditions are most prevalent among our patient population, and how can we better manage them?
  • How are our preventive care measures performing, such as vaccination rates and cancer screenings?
  • What are our readmission rates, and what factors are contributing to them?
  • How can we improve patient adherence to treatment plans and follow-up visits?

Clinical Operations

  • What are our average wait times for patients, and how can we reduce them?
  • How efficiently are we utilizing our clinical staff and resources?
  • What are our patterns in appointment no-shows, and how can we minimize them
  • Are there any bottlenecks in patient flow within the clinic?
  • What are the common reasons for patient complaints, and how can we address them?

Financial Management

  • How is our revenue cycle performance, including billing and collections?
  • What are the costs associated with different services, and how can we optimize them?
  • Are there any financial discrepancies or areas where we are losing revenue?
  • What is the payer mix, and how is it impacting our financial health
  • How can we improve reimbursement rates from different payers?

Quality and Compliance

  • Are we meeting all regulatory requirements and quality standards?
  • How are we performing on quality metrics, such as HEDIS or UDS measures
  • What are our rates of adverse events and how can we reduce them?
  • How effective are our quality improvement initiatives?
  • Are there any gaps in our clinical documentation?

Patient Engagement and Satisfaction

  • What are our patient satisfaction levels and how can we improve them?
  • How can we enhance patient engagement through digital tools or communication strategies?
  • What are the patterns in patient feedback and how can we address them?
  • Which services are most valued by our patients?
  • How can we improve the overall patient experience?

Resource Management

  • How are we managing our inventory of medical supplies and medications?
  • Are there any opportunities to reduce waste and increase efficiency?
  • What is the utilization rate of our facilities and equipment?
  • How can we better allocate resources during peak times?
  • What are our trends in staffing levels and how do they impact service delivery?

Population Health

  • What are the health trends in the communities we serve?
  • How can we tailor our services to address specific community health needs?
  • What are the social determinants of health affecting our patient population?
  • How can we improve our outreach and community health programs?
  • What partnerships can we form to enhance population health initiatives?

For more information or to learn about pricing